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As we continue to navigate the path of innovation and impact, we are thrilled to unveil our third cohort at Avant Now Accelerator - set to join our mission in shaping net-positive futures. We are committed more than ever to amplifying the transformative power that visionary entrepreneurs wield in addressing the pressing social and ecological challenges of our time. 💚

Please extend a warm welcome to the amazing teams of our third cohort ❤️:

Boidel: Spearheaded by Karolin Maiwald & Julian Faust, Boidel is on a mission to introduce sustainable delivery bags. And hence reduce the overconsumption of throwaway paper bags.

TMA: Under the guidance of Margaux Pagès, TMA digitizes gas and chemical assets, tackling inefficiencies in their management, distribution, and maintenance. Ensuring that the leakage of harmful gases is reduced or avoided completely.

dsb: Led by Adam KhenissiSebastian Schmidt & Niclas Kern, dsb Deutsche Sanierungsberatung addresses the critical gap in Germany's energy-efficient renovation ambitions, decluttering the complex process and making it easy for homeowners.

Tanit - New Earth Solutions: Under Dr. Shubhangi SharmaAyanda Ntombela, Jerome Goerke, the startup leverages AI and data analytics, to equip farmers with actionable strategies to transition towards the widespread use of bio-fertilizers in arid areas, enabling sustainable agriculture.

Stay tuned as we share the inspiring stories and milestones of these changemakers, who are not just dreaming of a better world but actively constructing it. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our partners and the community for your unwavering support. Together, we are not just dreaming of impactful futures; we are creating them. 🚀

3rd Cohort Annoucement - version B

Post by Avant Now
Mar 12, 2024 5:50:05 PM