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We accelerate tech-based startups ready to tackle societal and ecological challenges of our time with equity-free funding and extended support.

* This opportunity is for you, if you are based in Berlin or ready to move here. Your company is not yet incorporated, but you are ready for it, proven by a tested MVP. If your company is already registered, it should not be on the market yet. You did not yet receive startup funding. Check FAQ for more details.
Avant Now - Accelerator

Join our accelerator to excel your impact startup

We offer a comprehensive package for your entrepreneurial journey. From significant equity-free funding to a unique skill-building program, mentorship and coaching, office space, to a vibrant community for peer learning and networking in the heart of Berlin - we've got it all covered at the Avant Now Accelerator.
We follow a hands on approach and bring an engaging ecosystem with relevant contacts for product development, partnerships and funding opportunities. A large number of our previously supported startups were able to secure funding (up to 7 digits) for their ventures.
We support diversity in terms of gender, origin, age, educational background, neurodiversity and more. At the Avant Now Accelerator founders of underrepresented groups will receive additional support through special mentoring, funding training and networking formats to achieve their full potential.

Our program structure

Equity-free funding

Equity-free funding for  6-12 months

We provide you with up to 105.000 Euro, thus you can focus on what matters most, launching and growing your successful impact startup.
Unique skill-building program

Unique skill-building program

100% dedicated to your individual needs, we give you the means to grow, while you stay in full ownership of your development journey and time.
Intensive mentoring and coaching

Intensive mentoring and coaching

With our expertise and guidance we are there for you, holding you accountable on your ambitions and uplifting you in challenging times.
Peer support and learning

Peer support and learning

Accelerate your entrepreneurial success through collective problem-solving, mutual inspiration, knowledge transfer, and collaborative growth.
Office space in Berlin Mitte

Office space in Berlin Mitte

A dedicated seat in a co-working space together with other impact founders fosters your innovation, collaboration and networking.

Our Startups

We proudly support founders from following ventures which work on solutions within Climate Tech, Gov Tech, AI/ML, HR Tech, Social & Ed Tech, Supply Chain Management and Agri Tech.


Boidel is on a mission to introduce sustainable delivery bags. And hence reduce the overconsumption of throwaway paper bags.

Retail Tech, Climate Tech

Team Designs - Accelerator-1

Climate Trainers bridges blue collar talent gaps in climate jobs by upskilling, increasing workforce supply and productivity. 

Climate tech, HR tech


daytm by dani gama, Ksenia Komarova, and Liam Strickland is creating an AI powered home & family organiser to conquer bureaucracy.

Social Tech/AI


dsb Deutsche Sanierungsberatung addresses the critical gap in Germany's energy-efficient renovation ambitions, decluttering the complex process and making it easy for homeowners.

Energy Tech, Climate Tech

die Helferei

Die Helferei matches the right helping hands in your neighborhood for household-related services.

Social Tech, HR tech


Gibi enables real-time, interactive, personalised conversational language learning powered by AI.

Ed tech, AI


Givingful reduces food waste in a hassle-free way by streamlining hyperlocal peer-to-peer food sharing through calendar-based scheduling.

Climate Tech, Social Tech


Henrietta, democratizes AI for businesses, bridging the gap between complex algorithms and real-world applications. 



Kewano cuts CO2 emissions by reducing errors in B2B orders.

Climate Tech, Supply Chain 


Loretta Health by Daniel Townsend exists to create lasting and systemic change in providing health, wellness, care and support to the LGBTQIA+ community.


MINTD is on a mission to close the female STEM-talents gap. 

HR Tech


ReloSync by Niharika Rakheja 🇩🇪🇮🇹🇮🇳 and Raina Sun is on a mission to digitise integration and relocation for newcomers to build a more inclusive Europe.

Social Tech


The startup leverages AI and data analytics, to equip farmers with actionable strategies to transition towards the widespread use of bio-fertilizers enabling sustainable agriculture.

Agri Tech


thread brings instant support to administrative staff by delivering effortless, context-aware and secure real-time language translation.

Gov Tech, AI/ML


TMA digitizes gas and chemical assets, tackling inefficiencies in their management, distribution, and maintenance. 

Industry Tech, Supply Chain


Weavii empowers artists to unleash their potential and economic opportunities through their platform ecosystem. 

Creative tech