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🔍To increase your chance of getting funded you need to strategically choose your investor. 💼 Paul von Hinueber, Investment Manager at Redstone, shares essential advice on what one needs to do to build up their investor pipeline and how to talk to investors.

According to Paul: “Understanding the nuances of potential investors or venture capital firms is key to successful fundraising, it's crucial to grasp their typical ticket sizes, geographic preferences, industry verticals, and underlying incentive structures”.

In his investor insight, Paul highlights the importance of targeting investors whose missions align with your startup's goals. By conducting thorough research and understanding their investment criteria, you can tailor your pitch effectively and increase your chances of securing funding.

What in your opinion are other key factors entrepreneurs should consider when fundraising for their startups? Would you rather go for quantity or quality?

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Post by Avant Now
Jul 17, 2024 10:20:01 AM