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MINTD - the visionary HR-tech startup

Written by Avant Now | Jan 29, 2024 1:17:24 PM

Did you know, German companies have more than 300,000 STEM positions to fill. And only 16% of STEM positions are currently held by females. Sounds like an opportunity to tackle for change!

Let’s meet MINTD - the visionary HR-tech startup at our Avant Now Accelerator. MINTD focuses on closing the female STEM-talents gap by connecting international female specialists with the right German companies.

”MINTD fosters diversity and empowers women in STEM. We do not only boost women's representation in STEM and leadership roles. But we also help businesses in swiftly and effectively filling critical STEM vacancies, while ensuring that these talents actually stay, through our unique retention based multi-AI matching algorithms. By facilitating global talent integration, MINTD breaks bureaucratic and language barriers, fostering international cooperation and ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and diverse working landscape. And all this pays off, as companies increase the diversity in their talents, their EBIT actually increases." say the founders, Natalia Wallroth and Emmelie König.

Are you a company in search of STEM talents? Get in touch with MINTD to discover how you can grow your talent diversity while potentially increasing your EBIT by 3.5% or even more!