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Expert's Insight - Balancing Passion and Product Economics by Daan Löning

Written by Avant Now | Mar 12, 2024 4:13:06 PM

Excited to share some wisdom from our esteemed mentor, Daan Löning, whose expertise has been a great value for manny startups in our accelerator..🌟:

"The most common mistake is to build a product for which the economics don't work out, because users are willing to pay, but not enough to cover the cost of user acquisition/marketing," emphasizes Daan. 🚀

He also stresses the power of passion in entrepreneurship: "Work on something that you are really passionate about as a founder. So that you can endure the good and the bad times of your company's journey. Because they will both be there." 💪

This is also our mantra at avant now. We are driven by our commitment to bring impact startups and underrepresented founders to their next level in realizing their fullest potential. For this we work hard every day and are excited to share our newest program with you very soon. Stay tuned!  🌟