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die Helferei - Social Innovation on a hyper local level

Written by Avant Now | Apr 17, 2024 12:00:18 PM

Social Innovation on a hyper local level with high impact and yet scalable? Meet Die Helferei founded by Eugenia Levine.

Eugenia's vision is all about reviving the communal spirit and simplifying the way we lend a hand to each other while supporting inclusion. With Die Helferei, every skill has a home, every need meets a solution, — one task at a time.

"It takes a village, they say. Helferei brings a bit of that village feeling back to current times: Being an omnichannel matching platform for home services, it matches people in need of support with those who can offer a skill at neighborhood levels. Bookings work digitally, over the phone and soon at a local touchpoint. The booking platform is embedded in a social impact concept: Helferei's service providers can join an inclusion program "on the job" with soft- and hard skill components aimed at making them even more active and happy members of our society." states @Eugenia Levine, founder of Die Helferei.

Connect with Eugenia Levine and find out more about this innovative idea and how you can get involved.