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Accelerating Innovation with Avant Now Accelerator - Cohort 1

Written by Avant Now | Jan 29, 2024 1:14:35 PM

Meet the first cohort of the Avant Now Accelerator and discover how we're transforming the startup landscape. Our program, supported by the City of Berlin and the EU, is designed to help impact-driven startups scale their ventures and make a lasting positive impact on the world. 

Unlocking the Potential of Impact Startups

At Avant Now Accelerator, we are committed to unlocking the potential of impact startups. We believe that these startups have the power to reshape our world for the better. By providing the necessary resources, mentorship, and support, we aim to help these startups scale their ventures and make a lasting impact on society. Through our program, we enable entrepreneurs to realize their innovative ideas and turn them into successful businesses. Join us in cultivating impact startups and together, let's sow the seeds of success.

Empowering Entrepreneurs to Create a Net Positive Change

Avant Now Accelerator is committed to empowering entrepreneurs to create a net positive change. We believe that entrepreneurs have the power to shape the future and create a better world. Through our program, we provide these entrepreneurs with the necessary support, guidance, and resources to scale their ventures and make a lasting impact. By encouraging entrepreneurship and fostering a culture of innovation, we aim to create a network of entrepreneurs who are dedicated to creating a net positive change. Join us in empowering entrepreneurs and together, let's make the world a better place.

Another paragraph about empowering entrepreneurs to create a net positive change.

Accelerating Sustainable Innovation in Berlin

Berlin is a hub of innovation and creativity, making it the perfect city to accelerate sustainable innovation. Avant Now Accelerator is proud to be based in Berlin and contribute to the city's vibrant startup ecosystem. Through our program, we support startups in Berlin that are focused on creating sustainable solutions and driving positive change. So please welcome our first cohort: MINTD, Thread, Weavii and Keano. 

By providing these startups with access to mentors, investors, and a network of like-minded individuals, we aim to accelerate the growth of sustainable innovation in Berlin. Join us in accelerating sustainable innovation and together, let's make Berlin a global leader in sustainability.